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Corpus Christi-Fathers Day

Fr. Metod

Corpus Christi

- očetovski dan Očetje, stari očetje, tisti ki so nam bili v življenju kot očetje.

The loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf.

This statement talks about Jesus’ mystical body which is the Church, all of us who were baptized. Jesus himself nourishes us. We all receive the same body of Christ and we are one through him and with him.


This is the sacred reality of the Eucharist and a solemn duty to work on it. Dear brothers and sisters we hear during the mass. We are brothers and sisters because of baptism. The Eucharist is the nourishment of our Christian existence and our call to be Catholics. We are all receiving the same Christ who is uniting us into one body. Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is the source of our unity as his mystical body. Paul expresses this faith and we are refreshing it.


We are one body. There is also work to be done in this reality. We are called to be aware of our call to be part of the Jesus’ body. We are called to be united with the whole body of Christ which is the Church. We are called to nourish ourselves with the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. We are called to be the part of Jesus’ body wherever God was calling us to be.


Prim. Cloistered nun St. Therese of Lisseux : she was meditating this passage from St. Paul and wondering what part of Jesus’ body - the Church she is as a cloistered nun. ‘I’m in the heart of the Church’ she realized. Hands can work legs can walk if the heart works properly. St. Therese is the patron saint of the missions in the universal church! Missions are about going into places where Jesus wasn’t proclaimed yet. St. Therese was a missionary by the heart but she accepted her role, her call from God.


Am I ready to respond to the call the Lord is calling me to fulfil? Am I aware I belong to the universal Church which is like one body of Christ?


The Eucharist is uniting us with all the Christians in the community and with the whole Church. May we consciously and faithfully do our part in the whole body of Christ. We are getting nourished and we are called.


Sometimes we feel small and unimportant. The reality of the Eucharist reminds us we are important members of a big reality which is the Church, Jesus’ mystical body. We don’t just partake in one loaf of bread. We partake in Jesus’ mission wherever the God’s providence was calling us.


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